There is a history here in the Appalachian Mountains of what is referred to as "A Blood Feud". My understanding is that when there was a disagreement or quarrel between two parties or families the shedding of blood could be the possible result. I am not aware of any instances where this still occurs today but I suspect in some manner the feuds still take place.
In the unfortunate event that blood is shed then the feud is on. An eye for an eye. These feuds can last for years and across generations. I am sure most of us have heard about the famous feud between the Hatfields and McCoy's.
While considering this subject of a blood feud it dawned on me that blood feuds are very similar to what the apostle Paul encountered when he visited Jerusalem. In the book of Acts chapter 21 we have a written account of this visit. Paul was going up to see the Apostles to the Jews of which James Jesus' brother appears to have been chief among the others. Peter and John were there as well.
The Apostles in Jerusalem instructed Paul to participate in the ceremonial right of purification. This was a ceremonial law and act which is spelled out in the books of the Law. Specifically Numbers 6 and Numbers 29. My question is, why were the apostles/disciples in Jerusalem still practicing ceremonial law when the blood of Jesus had set them free from the rules, regulations, and laws of the Old Testament? This includes freedom from ceremonial law.
Not only were the apostles to the Jews still practicing the law but they were requiring others to do so as well. Now on Paul's visit they were trying to have him participate in keeping the law and to go back and require the gentiles to do the same.
The apostles to the Jews were still shedding the blood of bulls and goats many years after the blood that was shed by Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. To me this is a very early record of a "blood feud". A feud that existed between the apostle Paul, the apostle to the gentiles and the apostles in Jerusalem who were the apostles to the Jews.
The disagreement or quarrel that existed between Paul and James was over blood. Paul believed the blood of Jesus Christ was sufficient and James declared that the practice of shedding of blood which was spelled out in the Old Testament was needed as well.
I heard one brother state recently that the mixing of the blood of bulls and goats with the blood of Jesus Christ is an insult to the cross.
I cannot say that I disagree with my friends statement. We can add nothing to the cross of Christ nor should we. His shed blood is sufficient.
His birth, life, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and enthronement was and is sufficient for all we were in need of. We can add nothing to the finished work of Jesus Christ nor can we take anything away.
Either we live by grace as the apostle Paul taught or we are going to live by law. You cannot mix the two. It would be like mixing the blood of Jesus Christ with the blood of bulls and goats. This is indeed an insult to the cross of Christ. If we offer the blood of bulls and goats (dead works) rather than put our trust in the Blood of Christ then we fall from grace.
I encourage you to go to the Gospel Revolution web site and order Mike Williams Cd series on the Book of Galatians. It is excellent!
You might also want to look again at the Book of Romans and also the Book of Hebrews. I believe the writer of the Book of Hebrews was trying to reach those in Jerusalem who not only believed in Jesus Christ but were also still practicing the Old Testament covenantal law.
I am reminded here about the woman who approached Jesus who had a bleeding issue. She was no different than those who sit in churches every Sunday and are subjected to those who still teach that we must keep the law. This kind of teaching only produces guilt, shame, condemnation, and a sin consciousness. This kind of false teaching is causing a bleeding issue in all those who are subjected to it. It is draining the life out of all those who hear it.
This bleeding issue will cease when we share the Gospel ( good news ) of Jesus Christ or in other words, The Gospel of Grace and Peace. Grace means because the sacrifice of Christ we get what we did not deserve, and peace simply means we will never get what we did deserve. That is Good News! He was the sacrifice for sin once and for all.
This alone can awaken the hearer to a righteousness consciousness and enable the listener to experience life and joy as the result of the freedom they embrace.
The blood of Jesus speaks of better things than that of bulls and goats! It speaks to us of life and freedom!
I am paraphrasing here but the writer of Hebrews said that "where there is a covenant that is the end of all disagreements and quarrels".
The blood of bulls and goats was a practice of Old Testament ceremonial and sacrificial law but the blood of Jesus Christ is the blood of a new and better covenant. We need to stop this feud over blood and agree that the only blood sacrifice that was capable of making all of us right with God once and for all is the Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. In and because of Him the feud over blood is over!
Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.