Over the years my heart was telling me that there was much more to be understood regarding the "finished work" of Jesus Christ than I had been taught or understood.
Much of my understanding could be traced to parental teachings about right and wrong, heaven and hell, and an angry God who had predestined a few for salvation and the rest of mankind was going to spend an eternity in the fiery torment of hells flames. The choice of which was entirely an indiviual one based on man's faith rather than on the faith of God in Christ. A continuation of the I will if you will mentality of the Old Covenant rather than the I will of the New Covenant.
In the last ten years or so I have come to understand, at least in some measure, that the Old Covenant has been completely replaced by a New Covenant. I also understand that in AD 70 the Presence of God is something that took place at the fall of Jerusalem and we can now enjoy a "face to face" relationship with God the Father now in this moment and every moment. Not an angry God but a Father God Creator who has and continues to pursue every man and woman with a relentless and tireless pursuit because He loves each of us unconditionally.
I am thankful for those who have helped me along the way although some of those who guided me in the past do not agree with my understanding at present.
Men like Bob Yelton in Southern Indiana who walked me through the Pentecostal Charismatic understanding. Roger Webb also of Southern Indiana who walked me through the Charismatic Movement. I will always remember something that he said, "I would rather have access than excess." Mike Welch from that same Fellowship was also there to be a good friend and encouragement. After relocating to Cape Coral, Florida Steve Everett of Present Truth Ministries walked me through the Kingdom/Sonship Movement. Not a day goes by that I do not think of something he spoke into my life and I thank God for him, and all those who came through that Fellowship and shared. Men and women like Kelley Varner, Clarice Fluitt, and William Henn just to name a few. And then there was Dr. Jerry Felger who I still remain close friends with today. He and his wife Carol are very precious to my wife and I. What they add to our lives is beyond measuring. They introduced me to the Gospel of Grace and Peace as they themselves had recieved it through Mike Williams. I have spent most of the last ten years listening to Mikes tapes and CD's. I am extremely thankful for Mike Williams and those at Champions of Grace Ministires. Men like Jonh Adair.
I am also thankful for Preston Eby and Ray Prinzing for the understanding they have made available. Gary Sigler of Kingdom Resources is also a blessing to where I am today. Vince Libassi is and has remained a close friend in the Lord and we continue to inspire one another to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Presently I am embracing Doug King, Tim King, and Kevin Beck of Presence Ministries, Amie May of WomenBeyond Ministries and a new friend, Allen Brooks who has helped me to undertand Matthew 24 Fulfilled. (Check out his radio broad/web cast on Sunday mornings.)
I have links to most of those I am currently listening to in my links section if you desire to check them out.
Lastly, I would like to mention Ray and Vicki Crabtree of Beattyville, Kentucky. Some of you know that my wife Linda and I relocated here to Eastern Kentucky about a year ago. I had spent a lot of time over the years exploring this beautiful area and had always wanted to spend more time here so Linda and I purchased a second home here and now live here full time. Ray introduced himself to me a few years ago and we began what I believe to be a life long friendship. Life flows forth from the lives of those who have been broken and I sensed that about Ray when we first met. He is a man who loves at all times. He has been entrusted with a Fellowship called Abundant Light which he has been faithful with for many years. We share a common understanding and he has allowed me to share with him on Wednesday evenings for the past year or so. We spent a good part of that time in the Letter to the Galatians and then we put together a course called "Wisdom for the True Believer" based on something Mike Williams had shared on Wisdom having built her house and the seven pillars that support it. It has been a wonderful friendship and fellowship and I trust will continue to be but once again I can sense a tugging in my heart to get alone with God and spend some one on one time with Him in a face to face relationship. So once again it is off to the woods, streams, mountain tops and valley trails to spend some time alone with my wife and dogs but just as important to get alone with God. I trust it is for a season of growing in love and acceptance. Of course I realize that this seems to be an ongoing season, the beginnings of which seem painful at times but necessary.
So, it is off for a while to experience a new heaven and a new earth and to take in the beauty and glory of a new covenantal world in a full face to face relationship with our Father who is God.
I still plan to post from time to time but only as my heart has something new and fresh to share.
The picture I am including with this post is one of an area called Big Sinking Creek. The creek disappears underground only to resurface about a half mile down the creek bed. Water goes in and then appears again. As I sat at the mouth of the re-appearing water I had these thoughts. All things are from God, through God, and to God. In the springtime the watershed is saturated and the creek beds are full of water as a result. It is the time for celebrating newness of life. As the spring season changes from spring to summer the watershed dries out and the waterflow slows down. Like the life we have all received it is exciting at first and then comes the dry seasons. Nevertheless life continues to flow even if it appears to be only a trickle. It is still present within, doing the transformative work that only it can do. The hope we have is that when the winter rains and/or the spring rains come, life again will burst forth from the unseen places deep within each of us in a greater expression of newness of life. So when we seemed to be hemmed in by a great darkness, in a dry place, it is only for a season of change and transformation.
By the way, if you look closely on the rock to the right of the cave you can see my little sweet Carolina Yellow Dog ... Vivian Rose. She seemed to be taken with the flow! I hope the same can be said of each of us.
Remember, "Still waters run Deep".
I love the way you look at life and see lessons in nature, and music. How you never seem to meet a stranger and are open to what each has to offer. Admirable :)
Some day I would like to see Sinking Creek. Thanks for being a friend.
martin .
Lovely pic. The greatest blessing we have is the blessing to tell the story. I believe we can change the world by telling the Biblical story in new and living ways, ways that cause those living streams to flow!
{{{embracing you back Bruce}}}
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