Sunday, May 11, 2008


The Following is a response to a letter of Encouragement that I received from Allen Brooks.

Thank you Allen. You are an encouragement to me. I finished the series I was teaching on Wisdom for the true believer, Wisdom has built her house and hewn out seven pillars. The last teaching was regarding the doctrine of fulfillment. I had no idea prior to reading John Bray's book and other research that the time of sharing would take me in the direction of realized/fulfilled prophecy. It gave us all something to consider and I am currently taking a break from the fellowship where I was teaching. From comprehensive redemption and salvation to fulfillment was a lot for the folks here to ingest and digest. But the seed has been sown.

I am now back to spending time alone for the most part just enjoying the out of doors. Sometimes with my lovely wife along and always in the company of my two canine companions. Of course I am now engaged in a face to face relationship with the One who has already come again. It gives my quiet times a lot more meaning and enjoyment as a result of the Parousia which has already taken place. Freedom from a futuristic
way of living and enjoying God in each and every moment and breath.

One thing I have found is that once having heard the "freedom from the law message" some folks fall into a deeper love relationship with God and others see it as an opportunity to do those things that were already in their hearts to do. For fear of retribution or punishment they suffered through that legalistic mindset and lifestyle. Now being set free from fear, what was already in their hearts is being made manifest.

It sometimes alarms me but then I remember that each one must walk through and work this out for themselves. Always keeping in mind that God Himself is working out everything after the council of His own will. At times I have to remind myself how wonderful is the unconditional love of God and just how measureless is His grace.

I remind myself many times a day of the thoughts of a young lady in the movie "My Secret Garden". While speaking to another child in the garden and looking out over the English countryside she states that "the whole world is a garden when you look at it in the right way. A new city, A new heaven and a new earth?
Well, if you look at it the right way, though the eyes of the heart of revelation, they have already come and so has our Father God.

Enjoy your garden, your thankful brother, Bruce Gosey

Grace is the love of God in manifestation ... E.W. Kenyon